Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Dan Harlan recently came here and performed a brilliant lecture.  Here's another ingenious effect, well made and available now at Tin City Magic!

Show a deck of cards, and talk about how a deck of cards is like a calendar - four suits/four seasons, 13 cards in a suit/13 phases of the moon, 52 cards/52 weeks, and so on.  Playing cards are based on tarot cards, and sometimes striking synchronicities occur.

In fact, you had a premonition of just such a synchronicity.  Ask a spectator for her month and date of birth.  You then spread the cards, and among the face down cards there are 3 face up cards in the deck.  

The face up cards are flipped over and written on the back of the cards is the spectator's birthday!

A great card trick that audiences love, because it's about them!  They will remember and talk about this trick!

Perfect for table hopping or restaurant work.  It can be done completely in the hands and may be repeated with no reset needed.  Plus, it always works!

If you know the Invisible Deck or the Brainwave Deck, you'll be doing this trick in seconds!  Made correctly in the USA and a joy to perform.  Complete with instructions and patter.

Get yours today at Tin City Magic!

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