Thursday, March 6, 2014



The best milk glass ever is available now at Tin City Magic! 

You show the large glass filled with milk. Pour some of the milk into a bag, cone, or even your hand. 

Next, the milk disappears without a trace!  Make it reappear in the glass again. Or, after every trick, you take a sip of milk and it refills every time.

Works automatically and is always ready. Requires no preparation. The clear glass is made from high quality plastic, has a height of 5.5 inches and top diameter of 3.5 inches. 

The milk is sealed inside so there is nothing to refill.  Perform surrounded. Visible on the main stage and works well in any situation, including club dates or even a living room! 
With MILK WONDER PERFECT you receive a professional quality prop and instructions. 

Made in Germany.

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