Our squawking RUBBER CHICKEN emits a FOWL NOISE when squeezed!
A full 21" long and made of soft rubber that feels like plucked chicken skin. A great production item for magicians, clowns, comedians, practical jokers, and public speakers.
It's a fun way to say "WRONG ANSWER" during a game. Squawk the chicken!
More chicken jokes:
This chicken had feathers pointing the wrong way.
- She was tickled to death.
Why did the cow cross the road?
- It was the chicken's day off.
Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
- Because chickens hadn't evolved yet.
Why can't you take a chicken to church?
- Because they use FOWL language.
Which side of the chicken has the most feathers?
- The outside.
Why did they let the chicken join the band?
- Because he had the drumsticks.
Why did the police arrest the chicken?
- They suspected it of fowl play.
Why did the Indian chief wear so many feathers?
- To keep his wigwam.
Doctor, please help! My brother thinks he's a chicken!
- A chicken? How long has this been going on?
Ten years.
- Ten years! Why didn't you see me sooner?
We needed the eggs!
The jokes are free, and worth every penny. Use the money you've saved to pick up a squawking Rubber Chicken at Tin City Magic today.
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