Show an empty bag, then reach in and produce a clear box FULL of MONEY!
Show it empty again, and produce a second box of MONEY!
Show it empty a third time, and produce yet another box of MONEY!
The audience can see that the three boxes are larger than the bag!
Finally, show the bag empty one more time. Give it a shake, and it is overflowing with BILLS!
Your audience will be amazed! And you will be, too, when you discover how easy it is to do!
Completely self-contained, no body loads, nothing hidden in the hands. It looks great in a living room or a large stage!
A fantastic effect by itself, or an excellent routine when combined with other tricks such as the miser's dream or the growing bill. In addition to the items supplied, you can also produce other items you already have or can get at Tin City Magic, like Jumbo Coins, Money Streamers, or the $100 bill silk.
You can also produce the boxes of money from other places, such as a copy of Money magazine. You can use the bag by itself for many other effects, as well.
Premium quality complete with special bag, special boxes, realistic stage bills, and instructions including many ideas for use.

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