A secret hidden accessory used by magicians to perform miracles.
Take a pack of cards and spread it out left to right between your outstretched hands. Move your hands further and further apart and the cards just seem to rest in space!
Take a ball in one hand and it glides through space to your other hand as if floating in the air.
Lots of Possibilities and Easy to Use!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Tin City Magic is a retail magic store located in the historic waterfront complex known as Tin City in Naples, FL. We sell magic tricks, books, and DVDs for beginners to professionals.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
A new transparent forcing bag that can be performed on stage or living room.
The perfect utility device to force handkerchiefs, playing cards, papers, pencils, etc.
Complete with instructions. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
A new transparent forcing bag that can be performed on stage or living room.
The perfect utility device to force handkerchiefs, playing cards, papers, pencils, etc.
Complete with instructions. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Display a completely empty, but gorgeous, crystal box.
In the blink of an eye, the box suddenly overflows with flowers!
Instead of flowers, you can also make silks, spring bills, sponge balls, or similar items appear.
Easy to do and a beautiful, high quality apparatus that you will be proud to own and use.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Display a completely empty, but gorgeous, crystal box.
In the blink of an eye, the box suddenly overflows with flowers!
Instead of flowers, you can also make silks, spring bills, sponge balls, or similar items appear.
Easy to do and a beautiful, high quality apparatus that you will be proud to own and use.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Monday, April 24, 2017
This slick new model of the fabulous LOTA VASE or BOWL is a great feature for your magic act.
Empty all of the water out of it, and in a moment or two it is full again. An amazing trick that continues through your entire magic show.
The Lota is of Indian origin, and is commonly used in Indian households. American designer Charles Eames in his The India Report expressed a great admiration for the Lota, saying about its design, "Of all the objects we have seen and admired during our visit to India, the Lota, that simple vessel of everyday use, stands out as perhaps the greatest, the most beautiful."
Our LOTA VASE is a very deceptive magical apparatus that is self contained and is easy to do. Plus, it looks great!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in downtown Naples, Florida.
This slick new model of the fabulous LOTA VASE or BOWL is a great feature for your magic act.
Empty all of the water out of it, and in a moment or two it is full again. An amazing trick that continues through your entire magic show.
The Lota is of Indian origin, and is commonly used in Indian households. American designer Charles Eames in his The India Report expressed a great admiration for the Lota, saying about its design, "Of all the objects we have seen and admired during our visit to India, the Lota, that simple vessel of everyday use, stands out as perhaps the greatest, the most beautiful."
Our LOTA VASE is a very deceptive magical apparatus that is self contained and is easy to do. Plus, it looks great!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in downtown Naples, Florida.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Display a jar of Peanut Butter and a jar of Jelly. A tube is placed over each jar.
The two jars jump back and forth between the two tubes. The kids are yelling "No that jar, not that jar!"
You are under control which jar appears under which tube.
Beautiful cover tubes that will last a lifetime.
Fantastic Birthday Party fun time!
Uses a standard Jelly Jar easily obtainable at any market.
Bonus KILLER ENDING included in the instructions.
Get this classic trick today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Display a jar of Peanut Butter and a jar of Jelly. A tube is placed over each jar.
The two jars jump back and forth between the two tubes. The kids are yelling "No that jar, not that jar!"
You are under control which jar appears under which tube.
Beautiful cover tubes that will last a lifetime.
Fantastic Birthday Party fun time!
Uses a standard Jelly Jar easily obtainable at any market.
Bonus KILLER ENDING included in the instructions.
Get this classic trick today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Show an iPad to the audience. The main page shows a picture of a white dove.
Move your hand near the iPad and a real dove appears!
This item include a realistic facsimile iPad and dove production device.
You can use a real iPad as well.
DVD instructions included.
Take your magic into the 21st century with Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Show an iPad to the audience. The main page shows a picture of a white dove.
Move your hand near the iPad and a real dove appears!
This item include a realistic facsimile iPad and dove production device.
You can use a real iPad as well.
DVD instructions included.
Take your magic into the 21st century with Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Friday, April 21, 2017
"The circus is coming to town!"
A beautiful circus wagon is empty.
Fill it with a large balloon. Make a magic pass, the balloon pops, and instantly a big rabbit, doves, or other items appear!
This wagon is designed with a release mechanism that works free and easy. Simple to use and safe for your livestock!
This is a great small illusion for your show.
The wagon is 16 x 13 x 14" and will hold a Big Bunny!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
"The circus is coming to town!"
A beautiful circus wagon is empty.
Fill it with a large balloon. Make a magic pass, the balloon pops, and instantly a big rabbit, doves, or other items appear!
This wagon is designed with a release mechanism that works free and easy. Simple to use and safe for your livestock!
This is a great small illusion for your show.
The wagon is 16 x 13 x 14" and will hold a Big Bunny!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
A lifelike dove made from compressible rubber.
A rubber dove can be used in many magic situations.
As a production item, you can make it appear from a Dove Pan, Change Bag, or Silk Hanky.
If you work with live doves, you can place the rubber dove in a paper bag, crumple is up, and reproduce a real dove elsewhere. Looks like a transposition!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
A lifelike dove made from compressible rubber.
A rubber dove can be used in many magic situations.
As a production item, you can make it appear from a Dove Pan, Change Bag, or Silk Hanky.
If you work with live doves, you can place the rubber dove in a paper bag, crumple is up, and reproduce a real dove elsewhere. Looks like a transposition!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Balls mysteriously appear, vanish, and transform under this clever cup.
New elegant folding leather model that is easy to carry and snaps together.
Stands about 4” high, you can perform all of the classic routines.
Comes with two knit balls, velvet carrying pouch, and instructions.
Limited supply. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Balls mysteriously appear, vanish, and transform under this clever cup.
New elegant folding leather model that is easy to carry and snaps together.
Stands about 4” high, you can perform all of the classic routines.
Comes with two knit balls, velvet carrying pouch, and instructions.
Limited supply. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
By Jon Racherbaumer
For the card magician who appreciates the new moves and subtle touches that make card magic look impossible to the audience.
Sleights explained include new passes, changes, cuts, turnovers, palms, switches, and new, innovative card handling. Also features a great chapter on Marlo's Controlled Faro-Riffle Shuffle. Includes innovative new effects that dazzle!
An awesome selection of beautiful card routines. 202 pages of card trickery, hardbound with dustjacket.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
By Jon Racherbaumer
Sleights explained include new passes, changes, cuts, turnovers, palms, switches, and new, innovative card handling. Also features a great chapter on Marlo's Controlled Faro-Riffle Shuffle. Includes innovative new effects that dazzle!
An awesome selection of beautiful card routines. 202 pages of card trickery, hardbound with dustjacket.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Cups & Balls is one of the most amazing effects in magic. Tin City Magic has everything you need to perform a great Cups & Balls routine.
A beginner can do a good Cup & Balls routine with a brief amount of practice. Many magicians go beyond that and create a work of art around one of the oldest effects in magic.
The best high polished Cups and Balls ever made!
Each cup is solid and easy to handle. Precision beading ensures the cups stack right. The cups can handle large loads and are a joy to use.
Cup Measurements
2.75 inches high
2.5 inches in diameter
1.45 ounces in weight per cup
Kit Includes
3 Aluminum Cups
4 Magic No-Bounce Balls
Each cup is solid and easy to handle. Precision beading ensures the cups stack right. The cups can handle large loads and are a joy to use.
Cup Measurements
2.75 inches high
2.5 inches in diameter
1.45 ounces in weight per cup
Kit Includes
3 Aluminum Cups
4 Magic No-Bounce Balls
1 Teaching DVD
DVD Contains:
Professional Routine
The Basics
Inertia Move
Fake Transfer, Take, & Put
French Drop
Classic Pass
Frank Garcia’s Master Vanish
Holding Out Techniques
Finger Palm Load
Thumb Palm Load
Classic Palm Load
Tip Over Load
Loading A Nested Cup
ER’s Advanced Stacking Move
Two Finger Steal
Cup Holdout
Two Finger Steal & Cup Spin
Nested Cup Steal
Little Finger Retention
Nesting Roll Steal
The Scoop Method
Pinch or Roll Method
Fake Roll Out, Fake Load
Fake Transfer Load
Solid Through Solid
Wand Penetration
Wand Penetration Variation
Cup Measurement
Ball from Empty Cup
Cup Roll
Ball Through Cup
Charlie Miller Move
Advanced Miller Move
Elevator Move
Click Move
Eddy Ray Cheat Move
Flushtration Count
Tip Off Move
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Magically produce a live duck, rabbit, doves, and more. Transform popcorn kernels into popped corn, sugar into candy, or flour into a birthday cake.
Perfect for the "really big shows." Ideal for large auditorium shows or stage productions but can also be performed surrounded in a living room.
The prop of 1001 uses, limited only by your imagination. A beautiful piece of magical equipment you will be proud to own.
Manufactured in aluminum, satin finished, then lacquered. Produced in Canada.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Magically produce a live duck, rabbit, doves, and more. Transform popcorn kernels into popped corn, sugar into candy, or flour into a birthday cake.
Perfect for the "really big shows." Ideal for large auditorium shows or stage productions but can also be performed surrounded in a living room.
The prop of 1001 uses, limited only by your imagination. A beautiful piece of magical equipment you will be proud to own.
Manufactured in aluminum, satin finished, then lacquered. Produced in Canada.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Tin City Magic is OPEN 10am to 9pm Monday-Saturday including on Saturday, 4/15/17. We are closed on Easter Sunday, 4/16/17.
Tin City Magic is OPEN 10am to 9pm Monday-Saturday including on Saturday, 4/15/17. We are closed on Easter Sunday, 4/16/17.
Unique deck of playing cards evoke an age that never was.
Limited edition of 4000 decks. Individually numbered in the seal.
Produced in the USA by the USPCC on the highest quality stock and finish, these cards handle and perform beautifully.
Perfect for performers, card players, collectors, and card manipulators. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in downtown Naples, Florida.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Put your hands behind your neck. Suddenly twist your head to one side, while holding your neck with both hands.
Hear a loud realistic CRACKING SOUND!
Can be used over and over again.
Use it on a spectator - pretend to "crack" their back!
Use it on your knee, elbow, or wrist.
Say, "I told my doctor that I broke my bones in two places. He told me to stop going to those places!"
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.

These clear plastic tubs feature a variety of aquatic creatures immersed in a sea of jelly-like, slimy substance.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
These clear plastic tubs feature a variety of aquatic creatures immersed in a sea of jelly-like, slimy substance.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The Fidget Spinner is an addictive desk toy that allows you to focus at the task at hand without disrupting others.
This product is made with high quality steel bearings for maximum durability so you can fidget all you want. The product is very quiet so you can fidget without disrupting your co-workers, classmates, friends, customers, or anybody else.
Each Fidget Spinner comes with 4 bearings that you can rotate around so you can play with it in many different ways.
Fidget Spinners are more than just a conversation piece. They are a wonderful tool for anybody that has ever felt stressed, anxious and needed a way to release that energy without being disruptive.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The Fidget Spinner is an addictive desk toy that allows you to focus at the task at hand without disrupting others.
This product is made with high quality steel bearings for maximum durability so you can fidget all you want. The product is very quiet so you can fidget without disrupting your co-workers, classmates, friends, customers, or anybody else.
Each Fidget Spinner comes with 4 bearings that you can rotate around so you can play with it in many different ways.
Fidget Spinners are more than just a conversation piece. They are a wonderful tool for anybody that has ever felt stressed, anxious and needed a way to release that energy without being disruptive.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Write your secret message using the pen.
It's invisible.
Shine the built-in UV light on the invisible message.
It magically appears!
You can write lots of secret messages with the special pen.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Write your secret message using the pen.
It's invisible.
Shine the built-in UV light on the invisible message.
It magically appears!
You can write lots of secret messages with the special pen.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Card throwers destroy dozens of decks while practicing their throwing. Banshees are engineered with a blend of high-grade plastics to maximize cutting and penetration power, all while keeping the cards extra-durable so you don't waste money and time on ruined cards.
Banshees were conceived, developed, and designed to make an audible 'cry' when slicing through the air. You don't have to be a major league pitcher to create an impressive sonic boom. These cards have a uniquely shaped, die-cut, set of holes, designed to optimize the signature 'scream' while ripping through the air.
A special measuring system is included on the faces to measure your stabbing power. The edges have been bevel cut to maximize carving and penetration ability.
Banshees are the result of an unyielding attention to craftsmanship and are the finest playing cards ever designed to create maximum impact with your card throwing.
The second edition features a deluxe box and a link to an online video by Rick Smith, Jr. teaching the proper way to throw cards.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Card throwers destroy dozens of decks while practicing their throwing. Banshees are engineered with a blend of high-grade plastics to maximize cutting and penetration power, all while keeping the cards extra-durable so you don't waste money and time on ruined cards.
Banshees were conceived, developed, and designed to make an audible 'cry' when slicing through the air. You don't have to be a major league pitcher to create an impressive sonic boom. These cards have a uniquely shaped, die-cut, set of holes, designed to optimize the signature 'scream' while ripping through the air.
A special measuring system is included on the faces to measure your stabbing power. The edges have been bevel cut to maximize carving and penetration ability.
Banshees are the result of an unyielding attention to craftsmanship and are the finest playing cards ever designed to create maximum impact with your card throwing.
The second edition features a deluxe box and a link to an online video by Rick Smith, Jr. teaching the proper way to throw cards.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
These new Phoenix cards have a larger index, making them more visible to your audience. Great deck for magicians, lecturers, demonstrators, and others seeking easier to see card faces.
Printed at US Playing Card Company on Bicycle card stock, in the well-known Casino Quality. Traditionally cut for easy shuffles, faros, and better handling.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
These new Phoenix cards have a larger index, making them more visible to your audience. Great deck for magicians, lecturers, demonstrators, and others seeking easier to see card faces.
Printed at US Playing Card Company on Bicycle card stock, in the well-known Casino Quality. Traditionally cut for easy shuffles, faros, and better handling.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
When you want to startle the crap out of your victim, a good time to do this is when they're actually sitting on the crapper.
When they sit on the seat, it spouts great jokes that will surprise and amuse.
Great fun now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
When you want to startle the crap out of your victim, a good time to do this is when they're actually sitting on the crapper.
When they sit on the seat, it spouts great jokes that will surprise and amuse.
Great fun now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
These rings link and unlink on your command!
Made of steel and polished to last a lifetime.
Complete with easy-to-follow instructions.
Monday, April 10, 2017
A silk hanky mysteriously vanishes and reappears in your hand!
A complete kit with easy instructions.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
A silk hanky mysteriously vanishes and reappears in your hand!
A complete kit with easy instructions.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Reveal a spectator's hidden selected color!
Once you learn the simple secret, you can do it!
Made in the USA.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Reveal a spectator's hidden selected color!
Once you learn the simple secret, you can do it!
Made in the USA.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.

Let the fun fly!
Great for outdoor fun! A hefty glider especially designed for strong "baseball arms." Kids love to rear back and heave this racy job.
Easy to assemble and fly. Made in the USA.
Get these, and other great balsa wood flying planes, today at Tin City Magic in downtown Naples, Florida!
Saturday, April 8, 2017
It defies gravity!
Show a red vase and a piece of rope. Insert the rope into the vase, stating that this will wake the Genii in the bottle.
Turn the vase (with the rope still inside) upside down. The rope remains suspended inside the vase!
Now, hold the rope with one hand and lets go of the vase. It remains suspended in the air. Apparently the Genii is holding onto the rope!
Hand out the rope and the vase for examination. There is nothing to be find!
A great trick, easy to do, made in the USA.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
It defies gravity!
Show a red vase and a piece of rope. Insert the rope into the vase, stating that this will wake the Genii in the bottle.
Turn the vase (with the rope still inside) upside down. The rope remains suspended inside the vase!
Now, hold the rope with one hand and lets go of the vase. It remains suspended in the air. Apparently the Genii is holding onto the rope!
Hand out the rope and the vase for examination. There is nothing to be find!
A great trick, easy to do, made in the USA.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The Bicycle Rainbow deck, now in black.
The cards feature reverse-imaged black faces and borders with the Bicycle Rainbow back.
Even the case is Rainbow Black!
Thanks to the design of the back of the cards, the deck can also be used as a "One-way Deck."
The poker sized deck includes two additional special cards: one with a blank face, and the other with a "52 in one" face.
Produced in the USA by the USPCC on high quality Bicycle card stock with the famous Air-Cushion finish.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The Bicycle Rainbow deck, now in black.
The cards feature reverse-imaged black faces and borders with the Bicycle Rainbow back.
Even the case is Rainbow Black!
Thanks to the design of the back of the cards, the deck can also be used as a "One-way Deck."
The poker sized deck includes two additional special cards: one with a blank face, and the other with a "52 in one" face.
Produced in the USA by the USPCC on high quality Bicycle card stock with the famous Air-Cushion finish.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Thursday, April 6, 2017
The perfect cards for magicians!
These bespoke playing cards feature a classic layout with distinctive colors. The top hat and rabbit ears design evoke magic. Well designed with proportioned borders and smooth cut edges - these cards handle beautifully.
The custom tuck box is printed on Soft Touch Stock with deep penetrating color for a velvet feel and elegant appearance.
The cards feature separate reveals on the King of Diamonds and the Joker. The deck includes a blank faced card and a double-backed card.
Produced in the USA by the USPCC on high quality Bicycle card stock with the famous Air-Cushion finish. Limited edition of only 2500.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The perfect cards for magicians!
These bespoke playing cards feature a classic layout with distinctive colors. The top hat and rabbit ears design evoke magic. Well designed with proportioned borders and smooth cut edges - these cards handle beautifully.
The custom tuck box is printed on Soft Touch Stock with deep penetrating color for a velvet feel and elegant appearance.
The cards feature separate reveals on the King of Diamonds and the Joker. The deck includes a blank faced card and a double-backed card.
Produced in the USA by the USPCC on high quality Bicycle card stock with the famous Air-Cushion finish. Limited edition of only 2500.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The "No way!" signed bill trick!
A spectator's SIGNED bill vanishes and reappears tied at the end of a ball of wool!
The ball of wool is in the spectator's hand since the beginning of the show.
The bill is really SIGNED by the spectator.
The spectator unties the signed bill from the end of the yarn.
They also unfold the bill and verify their signature.
The ball of wool is in sight the whole time, in a clear glass, while unwinding the yarn.
2 additional bonus super effects:
1. Confabulation/Headline Prediction
2. Any Card Called For
Ideal for close-up, parlor, and stage.
Packs small and plays big.
Includes gimmick.
Download video with live performance.
Step-by-step explanation.
Get The Yarn and fry your audiences!
Available now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The "No way!" signed bill trick!
A spectator's SIGNED bill vanishes and reappears tied at the end of a ball of wool!
The ball of wool is in the spectator's hand since the beginning of the show.
The bill is really SIGNED by the spectator.
The spectator unties the signed bill from the end of the yarn.
They also unfold the bill and verify their signature.
The ball of wool is in sight the whole time, in a clear glass, while unwinding the yarn.
2 additional bonus super effects:
1. Confabulation/Headline Prediction
2. Any Card Called For
Ideal for close-up, parlor, and stage.
Packs small and plays big.
Includes gimmick.
Download video with live performance.
Step-by-step explanation.
Get The Yarn and fry your audiences!
Available now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Our adorable egg contains amazing play Putty. It’s glittery, solid-liquid goo! This play putty is loaded with shiny glitter.
Remove the resealable Egg to shape, stretch. and bounce this cool toy. You just can’t stop playing with it!
Glitter Putty in assorted colors now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Our adorable egg contains amazing play Putty. It’s glittery, solid-liquid goo! This play putty is loaded with shiny glitter.
Remove the resealable Egg to shape, stretch. and bounce this cool toy. You just can’t stop playing with it!
Glitter Putty in assorted colors now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Solid spikes penetrate a solid coin. Use the plastic coin supplied or a real half dollar.
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Glamor Nugget playing cards are a tribute to the original Golden Nugget Casino playing cards, last printed in the 1970's.
Today, they are some of the most sought after cards - cherished by collectors and magicians for their retro-style, unique feel, and superior handling.
To our luck this new edition features a near-identical recreation of the originals... and in several striking colors.
Printed to emulate a similar feel as the originals, Glamor Nuggets feature a quality card stock which feels and handles great!
Limited Edition of 1,000. Due to copyright restrictions these will not be re-printed.
Limited supply now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida. Get yours today!
Glamor Nugget playing cards are a tribute to the original Golden Nugget Casino playing cards, last printed in the 1970's.
Today, they are some of the most sought after cards - cherished by collectors and magicians for their retro-style, unique feel, and superior handling.
To our luck this new edition features a near-identical recreation of the originals... and in several striking colors.
Printed to emulate a similar feel as the originals, Glamor Nuggets feature a quality card stock which feels and handles great!
Limited Edition of 1,000. Due to copyright restrictions these will not be re-printed.
Limited supply now at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida. Get yours today!
Monday, April 3, 2017
David Ben and his magic are explored in this issue of Genii.
Lots of magic with your favorite columnists including Helder Guimares, Jon Racherbaumer, Eugene Burger, John Gaughan, David Kaye, Tom Stone, and many others.
Plus, tricks, reviews, remembrances of Daryl, and more in this professional produced full color Conjurors' Magazine.
There are a couple of past issues available, too. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
David Ben and his magic are explored in this issue of Genii.
Lots of magic with your favorite columnists including Helder Guimares, Jon Racherbaumer, Eugene Burger, John Gaughan, David Kaye, Tom Stone, and many others.
Plus, tricks, reviews, remembrances of Daryl, and more in this professional produced full color Conjurors' Magazine.
There are a couple of past issues available, too. Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
A flashy top hat is shown squashed flat. Give it a showy snap and it instantly pops open into a full-size top hat!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida!
A flashy top hat is shown squashed flat. Give it a showy snap and it instantly pops open into a full-size top hat!
Get yours today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida!
Saturday, April 1, 2017
The Mandolin deck is the only Bicycle brand deck that provides maximum flexibility in gaffs and is specifically designed to look similar to the Bicycle Rider Backs. Mandolins meet the highest quality standards of stock, moisture content, pliability, finish, cut, durability, and handling of any standard USPCC deck in the world.
Magician Paul Harris directed the development of the new 809 Bicycle back with USPCC. Paul worked with three world class artists (including magician Garrett Thomas) to create a soothing traditional looking back that's instantly trusted as part of the Bicycle family. And yes, this classic looking deck even features the trademarked Bicycle Ace of Spades, Joker and the traditional box.
Cardist Richard Turner worked directly with USPCC manufacturing to ensure the new Bicycle 809 Mandolin has a superior cut and quality. These are exquisitely crafted decks! Once you feel these cards you will never want to put them down.
Mandolins are also the only deck on the market featuring the classic "full-back" Bicycle card case that so many performers prefer.
Get your Mandolin cards today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
The Mandolin deck is the only Bicycle brand deck that provides maximum flexibility in gaffs and is specifically designed to look similar to the Bicycle Rider Backs. Mandolins meet the highest quality standards of stock, moisture content, pliability, finish, cut, durability, and handling of any standard USPCC deck in the world.
Magician Paul Harris directed the development of the new 809 Bicycle back with USPCC. Paul worked with three world class artists (including magician Garrett Thomas) to create a soothing traditional looking back that's instantly trusted as part of the Bicycle family. And yes, this classic looking deck even features the trademarked Bicycle Ace of Spades, Joker and the traditional box.
Cardist Richard Turner worked directly with USPCC manufacturing to ensure the new Bicycle 809 Mandolin has a superior cut and quality. These are exquisitely crafted decks! Once you feel these cards you will never want to put them down.
Mandolins are also the only deck on the market featuring the classic "full-back" Bicycle card case that so many performers prefer.
Get your Mandolin cards today at Tin City Magic in beautiful downtown Naples, Florida.
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